1st Scaling-Up Reinforcement Learning (SURL) Workshop
Please submit your papers only through the official workshop channel on easychair.org:
Important dates
- Deadline for Paper Submission:
July 3rd July 10th, 2017
- Author Notification: July 24th, 2017
- Camera Ready Deadline: August 7th, 2017
Call for papers
The deadline for submission is July 3rd July 10th, 2017 (23:59 UTC -12:00), and decisions will be sent out on July 24th, 2017.
Authors are encouraged to submit to any of the following categories:
- Full Paper: Maximum length of 16 pages. The authors are expected to present a contribution to the field.
- Short Paper: Maximum length of 6 pages. Papers of this category are extended abstracts of ongoing work relevant to the workshop.
- Highlight Paper: Maximum length of 6 pages. Papers of this category summarize full papers that have been published or accepted for publication at most 1 year before the workshop deadline (in journals or top conferences). The original paper must be cited and clearly identifiable in the text.
Submissions should be in the ECML PKDD-17 format. The review process is double-blind for full and short papers (author names and affiliations must be hidden) and single-blind for highlight papers (author identities known to reviewers). Papers will be judged according to the chosen category, significance to the workshop, proposal quality, and clarity.